Saturday, October 31, 2009

As a child

~ When I was first diagnosed my parents, primarily my mother would come to school each day before lunch to check my sugar and take my insulin with me. At the begging it was kind of fine. I personally never minded the needles or any of that stuff, and heck I had no idea what it meant to be diabetic so it also didn’t scare me. What started to bother me was not that I as different from the other kids, but that I had to do things differently. Nobody made fun of me and my family and I never hid it, which by the way I think is the smartest way about it, but that is an entirely different discussion to be had. I hated the fact that I needed to leave the classroom and go to the burse to check my sugar everyday before I could eat and before I could go to recess, I hated the fact that I couldn’t eat what everybody else was eating, (when I was first diagnosed unlike today we had to check and take insulin about 45 min before we could eat, and we had to eat the same amounts at the same times each day.) I was too embarrassed to ask my friends’ mom when the cake would be served at his birthday so that I would know when to take insulin. But now a day we are done with that, we can eat what and when we want at least as far as insulin and checking are concerned. Next time hopefully I will share with you some of the things I did, not good but tricky to fool my parents and doctors. Just open talk it school and fun to share experiences that only we could relate to. When I tell my other friends they don’t really get it. Its good for that reason but also for parents to get an idea of what can be going on with your kids now, they are creative and could and will do what it takes to get what they want.

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